Saturday, July 18, 2020

Introduction Video (20 facts about me)

Hey Guys! And Assalammualaikum.

Just posted new video on my YouTube channel. 
It was an introduction video of Aisyah Ros YouTube channel. So go check it out!
I'm a little bit nervous haha but i hope you enjoy watching my videos as much as i do!
I'll be creating more content every week! Insha Allah!

Click here to watch my latest video

Saturday, July 4, 2020


Hi Guys!

A little quick update for today's blog post as i have mentioned yesterday on my personal Facebook page. I want to be consistent on sharing with you guys my weekly activities post on this blog! As you all know (mostly my friends haha) I love to be able to share with you guys on what i do indoor or outdoor activities. Despite the pandemic condition in the world, I want to be able to be productive as many as i possibly could! I'm so excited to share with you guys! And i know not all of you guys loves to read my blog post right? haha

So! I will be making YouTube videos every week! Wish me luck! And I hope you guys will enjoy my blog post and YouTube videos as well. Oh ya

Please follow me and subscribe to my YouTube channel: 

Thank You So Much!
And have a nice day!