Monday, August 17, 2020

Random High School Personality


And hi beautiful people!

Yesterday i just posted new video on my YouTube channel : Aisyah Ros. In this video i'll be talk about some random personality since high school. It's just a 'Borak-borak kosong' video for you guys to watch. I think it will be funny to talk about the things that i felt since high school. So, here it is hehe. Go grab a cup of coffee and enjoy watching my YouTube video! Oh ya here's the link below, go check it out! 


click down below instead hehe

Chillax Monday night~~

Monday, August 10, 2020

My New Storage Rack


And Hi Guys! Just received from the mail today my new storage rack from Lazada! I bought it from Lazada Flash Sales 8.8 tau sumpah cheap. I beli storage because i nak organize some peralatan tulisan dan buku-buku dan juga barang-barang makeup i atas meja study dalam bilik. Memang penuh wei! hahahahaha (biasa lah tu perempuan). I bought this storage rack dengan harga RM48 product from Locaupin Official Store. (A little reminder, I akan beli kalau benda tu murah dan berbaloi dan obviously barang tu comei haha). Just wanna share with you guys what i did! 
Nah ni some pictures of it. 

I received from the mail and alhamdulillah i'm so excited because delivery super duper quick! Bila dah dapat tu mesti lah nak bukak cepat-cepat kan hehe of course! So sebelum i bukak tu i mesti sanitize dan lap kotak dulu sebelum bukak dan selepas bukak, just to make sure that kite dapat barang dalam keadaan bersih. Using sanitizer is a life saver tau! Mesti stay protected walaupon kita kat rumah sekali pun sebab ada kes mati, dapat barang parcel yang dah dedah dengan covid19. So hopefully jangan lah ambil ringan dan jadikan sebagai langkah berjaga-jaga untuk masa depan jugak. So, me and my family banyak juga received packaging daripada mail tau. Sanitizer memang wajib kene ada tak kesah lah jenis spray atau jenis keluar cecair terus tu. Mesti kene ada sanitizer. Kalau tak de tak boleh bukak! Barang akan jemur kat luar rumah dan akan basuh kat luar jugak hahaha (i takut je bawak barang masuk rumah without sanitize). Aduih tapi serious hati-hati weh when you received from the mail tak kesah lah local atau international post. Okay back to cerita dapat packaging ni...

From this photo i bukak and i realized that i kene pasang sendiri rack ni. Tapi macam fun gak main pasang-pasang terus jadi. My parents just standing around the corner tengok i main pasang-pasang siap dengan screw driver yang dah provided dalam kotak. Comel ja. Bila dah siap pasang tu.... 

And Tadaaaa. Cantik kan! I macam seronok sangat harini sebab i beli dan pasang. Bought with my own money. At the same time sangat berbaloi to organize things in your room dalam satu rack yang boleh berjalan haha (easy to push around). I don't know lah tapi pendapat i seorang perempuan yang ada macam2 barang dalam bilik mesti kene ade satu rack berjalan macam ni sebab senang nak tarik pastu capai barang sebelah katil atau macam2 lah haha. Kita ni jenis nak benda senang kan kerja ja haha. Kalau boleh nak rack yang tinggi tapi tak mampu pulak sebab mahal. I beli ni sebab comel dan portable untuk tarik dan tolak mana2. 

Fyi,barang-barang i yang dalam storage rack tu, semuanya atas meja ni tau! Ni after transition of organizing hahaha. You'all boleh imagine betapa berseleraknyaa barang2 tadi atas meja ni kan. Memang serabut wei. 

Itu sahaja lah cerita i. Just wanna let you know that, i sangat happy kalau barang i dapat tu tak rosak dan paling penting sama dalam gambar! Kalau tak sama i report kang. But anyways, alhamdulillah bila dah dapat tu terus jadi productive untuk nak buat kerja dalam bilik. Making new content every week, posting new videos on YouTube would be my biggest achievement kalau i dapat buat orang lain happy. I suka buat benda yang orang suka, bringing their smile again.

Orait2 itu sahaja cerita i and thank you so much for reading my blog post and hope to see you with another post on my YouTube channel : Aisyah Ros and my blog-post as well. Hope you have a wonderful day and stay positive as always. Love, ya

Sincerely, Aisyah Ros. 

Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Product Charms

Hi guys! And Assalammualaikum. Good evening! 

Just received from the mail what i got was Skin Care Products from Charms. So just wanna let you know that i will be testing these products for a month and will see how it goes on my face. I have a very terrible acne scars on my face. Sangat teruk! Usually shown on my forehead and my cheeks. So bila makeup still nampak parut jerawat tu. So.. truth to be told, i tak flawless pon haha. I can't afford to go to dermatologist clinic for skin repair. So usually i repair using serum and cheap moisturizer. 

So long story to short. I nak try pakai these beautiful muslim friendly products from Charms for a month and let see how it goes. I will tell the results, give you my honest review! 

Nak try product Charms boleh tak beat my sensitive skin ni. Kalau boleh, i will recommend it to you'all! 

Wish me luck!

Monday, August 3, 2020

Random Viral Things I Eid Edition

Hey Guys!

Just posted another video on my YouTube channel. 
How i react to some pickluplines in Malaysia. Hahaha. Ps: Aku tak de reaction wei. So go check it out!
 I hope you enjoy watching my videos as much as i do!
I'll be creating more content every week!
 Insha Allah!

Click here to watch my latest video!

Saturday, July 18, 2020

Introduction Video (20 facts about me)

Hey Guys! And Assalammualaikum.

Just posted new video on my YouTube channel. 
It was an introduction video of Aisyah Ros YouTube channel. So go check it out!
I'm a little bit nervous haha but i hope you enjoy watching my videos as much as i do!
I'll be creating more content every week! Insha Allah!

Click here to watch my latest video

Saturday, July 4, 2020


Hi Guys!

A little quick update for today's blog post as i have mentioned yesterday on my personal Facebook page. I want to be consistent on sharing with you guys my weekly activities post on this blog! As you all know (mostly my friends haha) I love to be able to share with you guys on what i do indoor or outdoor activities. Despite the pandemic condition in the world, I want to be able to be productive as many as i possibly could! I'm so excited to share with you guys! And i know not all of you guys loves to read my blog post right? haha

So! I will be making YouTube videos every week! Wish me luck! And I hope you guys will enjoy my blog post and YouTube videos as well. Oh ya

Please follow me and subscribe to my YouTube channel: 

Thank You So Much!
And have a nice day!

Monday, April 20, 2020

Mövenpick / Tabung Haji Hotel (near KLIA)

Disclaimer  this post was during 2018

(I re-post this because i missed traveling so much)

Good evening guys. Today was a blast for me for safely sending my brother to the KLIA airport at 11.00 p.m sharp until 1.40 am. I was pretty tired and exhausted. I was really really sleepy that time because i couldn't get enough sleep (i slept 3 hours) . I was working on my resignation to confirm my application to further my studies and sending my damaged  laptop for a repair (such a bummer haha). Other than that, pay some times to shop one of my brother's favourite T-Shirt at Uniqlo and buy some Pomegranate juice for my mom at Cold Storage store.

Okay let's cut this short shall we... 

I was very tired for sending my brother to KLIA airport in the middle of the night and worried "too sleepy" will affects me while driving. So I was thinking of booking one-night-stay hotel that are nearby KLIA (around 10 minutes). So I booked Mövenpick Hotel. I checked in and rushed to my room and off to bed. To be honest this Majestic and Expensive Hotel was so beautiful and I couldn't took my eyes off. I take a quick photos in and outside of the hotel. And mannn I was shoocck to see how beautiful the structure really was! Classic fake palm tress and little hunt for spa and feet massage (under construction). The shape triangle (arab-camp theme) makes this hotel so unique and beautiful.

I like how this hotel has a convention center for a group of hajjs that allows them to make preparations before off to flight

Me: waking up at 2.20 a.m (because I couldn't sleep) Astonished their unique design felt like i'm in a different country haha

                                                                                                      and a private cafe for VIP     

I enjoyed my stay in this beautiful hotel. Well-served food and very good customer services provided by the staff. Super-duper clean :D And forgot to mention the food areeee d best wehhhh hahaha! I forgot to take a picture! Damn. Hahaha *fyi: i always hungry and always forgot to take a picture, better luck next time!

I hope you guys enjoy reading! I know i don't have any videos to show with you guys but next time whenever i go to different places i'll keep updating with you guys! 

Aight See Ya!