Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Product Charms

Hi guys! And Assalammualaikum. Good evening! 

Just received from the mail what i got was Skin Care Products from Charms. So just wanna let you know that i will be testing these products for a month and will see how it goes on my face. I have a very terrible acne scars on my face. Sangat teruk! Usually shown on my forehead and my cheeks. So bila makeup still nampak parut jerawat tu. So.. truth to be told, i tak flawless pon haha. I can't afford to go to dermatologist clinic for skin repair. So usually i repair using serum and cheap moisturizer. 

So long story to short. I nak try pakai these beautiful muslim friendly products from Charms for a month and let see how it goes. I will tell the results, give you my honest review! 

Nak try product Charms boleh tak beat my sensitive skin ni. Kalau boleh, i will recommend it to you'all! 

Wish me luck!

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